[Unbound-users] Previously discussed "infra-cache-min-rtt" patch/option still viable?
Matt Lymn
2015-01-31 04:36:30 UTC
Hello all,

I was reading this thread from some time ago: https://unbound.net/pipermail/unbound-users/2013-December/003094.html

If I'm not mistaken this is EXACTLY the option I need to make Unbound work properly for me. I often make DNS requests over international VPN and they time out constantly, especially if I am downloading or opening a webpage full of images etc where latency to forwarding servers might climb >500ms.

Would this patch still be useable with Unbound 1.5.1? Is it possible to patch the Windows version of the Unbound client to include this "min-rtt" option?

Thanks in advance!
W.C.A. Wijngaards
2015-02-02 08:49:25 UTC
Hi Matt,
Post by Matt Lymn
Hello all,
If I'm not mistaken this is EXACTLY the option I need to make
Unbound work properly for me. I often make DNS requests over
international VPN and they time out constantly, especially if I am
downloading or opening a webpage full of images etc where latency
to forwarding servers might climb >500ms.
I have accepted the patch in the svn source code, for future releases.
Such a slow link must be very painful to use.
Post by Matt Lymn
Would this patch still be useable with Unbound 1.5.1? Is it
possible to patch the Windows version of the Unbound client to
include this "min-rtt" option?
Best regards,
